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1805 Crystal Dr #414s, Arlington Real Estate Dispatch

What Are Condos Like At Crystal Park S In Arlington, Virginia?

So, is 1805 Crystal Dr #414s the best choice of condo for you? Maybe. Are you trying to find a $400,000 Unit/Flat-style residence in 22202? Are you shopping for a mid 20th-century condo in 22202 in Arlington County? Do you need 1 full baths and 0 half baths? Can you afford $400,000? Is it actually worth $430,000 or $370,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $1,717 on this next home? When you buy a home, the home is yours. That means, you can decorate any way you want and choose the types of upgrades and new amenities that appeal to you and to your lifestyle in Arlington County. Continue reading

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